Privacy Policy

Introductory information

Protecting the privacy and confidentiality of the personal information of the users of this website is very important to us. Accordingly, we select and use appropriate technical and organizational measures to ensure the protection of the processed personal data with due diligence. We protect personal data from being made available to unauthorized persons, as well as from being processed in violation of applicable laws.

Data controller

The administrator of your Personal Data is Water-Plast Patryk Niepiekło, based in Nietuszyn. NIP: 8322088602. All of our contact information is always on the website under the “contact us” tab.

What personal data about you do we process, for what purpose and on what basis?

✓ data of persons contacting the Administrator by e-mail, traditional way (letter), or by phone

– in order to resolve the matter to which your correspondence/telephone contact refers – the legal basis for data processing is the legitimate interest of the Administrator; Art. 6 paragraph. 1(f) RODO

The legitimate interest in this case is to respond to your inquiry and resolve the issue raised by you.

✓ data of representatives and employees of the Administrator’s contractors

– for the purpose of ongoing contact, as well as for the proper and effective execution of the contract concluded with your employer, since you are the person designated to contact or execute the order on behalf of our contractor or potential contractor – the legal basis for data processing is the legitimate interest of the Administrator and its contractor; Art. 6 paragraph. 1(f) RODO

The legitimate interest in this case is to enable the proper and efficient performance of the contract/cooperation with the contractor.

✓ contractor data – an individual who cooperates with the Administrator in the course of business :

– for the purpose of entering into a contract with you and the performance of the contract concluded with you – the legal basis for processing is the necessity for the performance of the contract; Art. 6 paragraph. 1(b) RODO

– in order for the Administrator to fulfill its public and legal obligations under tax and accounting regulations – the legal basis for data processing is the necessity to fulfill legal obligations incumbent on the Administrator; Art. 6 paragraph. 1(c) RODO

– to establish business relations including the negotiation process, to ensure the legality of the conclusion of a commercial agreement and its implementation – the legal basis for data processing is the legitimate interest of the Administrator and its contractor; Art. 6 paragraph. 1(f) RODO

The legitimate interest in this case is to establish a business relationship with a potential contractor.

To whom can we provide your data ?

Your data may be entrusted to entities with whom we cooperate, e.g. for email handling, for IT infrastructure and software, for website hosting, for accounting services.

We only use such processors that provide adequate measures to protect the personal data we collect.

We do not transfer any personal data to third countries, outside the EEA.

What rights do you have ?

– the right to access your data

– the right to correct them

– the right to delete them

– right to restrict processing

Since the basis for the processing of your personal data is also the premise of our legitimate interest, you have the right to object to the processing of your personal data processed on this basis (such objection requires the justification of your particular situation)

You also have the right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority in charge of personal data protection – the President of the Office for Personal Data Protection, ul. Stawki 2, 00-193 Warsaw.

Nevertheless, we encourage you to resolve any doubts amicably – feel free to contact us in advance.

Is your personal data being profiled ?

Don’t. Personal data is not profiled or processed by us in an automated manner.

Your data vs. social networks

We process your personal data as a user visiting our profiles maintained on social media (Facebook, Instagram). This data is processed exclusively in connection with the operation of profiles, including the purpose of informing you about our activities and promoting various events, services and products, as well as communicating with users through the functionalities available on social media. The legal basis for our processing of personal data for this purpose is our legitimate interest (Article 6(1)(f) of the DPA) in promoting our own brand and building and maintaining a brand-related community.

On our website there are links to social networks, where information about us and our activities is posted. The controller of the data within the social network is both us as the owner of the social account and the owner of the social network itself.


What are cookies?

Cookies (so-called “cookies”) are IT data, in particular text files, which are stored in the final device of the website user (computer, laptop, tablet, phone) and are intended for use on the website. Cookies usually contain the name of the website from which they originate, the time they are stored on the end device and a unique number.

Why are cookies collected?

✓ in order to adapt the content of the website to the user’s preferences and to optimize the use of the websites; in particular, these files allow you to recognize the device of the website user and appropriately display the website, tailored to his/her individual needs;

✓ in order to create statistics that help to understand how the users of the website use the websites, which allows to improve their structure and content;

✓ in order to maintain the session of the site user (after logging in), thanks to which the user does not have to re-enter his/her login and password on each sub-page of the site;

✓ to provide users with advertising content more tailored to their interests.

For what purpose does our website collect cookies?

The cookies we collect are used for statistical purposes (concerning the statistics of visits to our website) and to ensure proper operation of the website. We do not take any action to identify visitors to our website, and the cookie mechanism is not used to obtain any information about you.

What kind of cookies does our website collect ?

Our website uses two main types of cookies: session cookies and permanent cookies.

SESSION COOKIES are temporary files that are stored on the user’s terminal device until the user logs out, leaves the website or shuts down the software (web browser).

FIXED COOKIES are stored on the user’s terminal device for the time specified in the parameters of cookies or until they are deleted by the user.

How can you manage cookies?

Below are links to resources showing how you can set the conditions for storing or accessing cookies using the settings of the most popular web browsers:

Due to the multiplicity of technological solutions, it is not possible to post precise guidelines on how to determine the conditions for storing or accessing cookies through the settings of all available telecommunications terminal devices and software installed on that device. Nevertheless, in most cases, you should go to “Tools” or “Settings” and there find the section responsible for configuring cookie settings or for managing your browsing privacy. Detailed information is usually provided by the manufacturer of a particular device or browser in the user manual or on its website.

NOTE: Please note that as a result of blocking cookies, some functions of the website may not work.